Members of president Viktor Yanukovich's party stormed the parliament podium last night after supporters of Yulia Tymoshenko, leader of the opposition, currently under investigation for acts of corrup...
"Don't try this at home." :D
Aww man, I was about to start up my fighter plane... it's been in the garage for the last 10 years and couldn't think of anything better to do with it until no...
Az egykori görög monda szerint Küprosz királya, Pygmalión nőtlenül élt. Magányában hófehér elefántcsontból csodálatosan szép nőalakot faragott ki vésőjével és annyit gyönyörködött benne, hogy végül be...
A disturbed man interrupted a Bay District Schools board meeting in Panama City, FLA, yesterday afternoon, when, after spraypainting a 'V for Vendetta' sign on the wall and giving an incoherent speech...